Changing Lives Through Music
Instrument Purchase, Repair and Rentals
EACH district will have a five to seven minute segment of a video to be viewed on Thursday evening of our GMEA, virtual In-Service Conference, 2021.
Due to COVID 19, we are permitted to go back into our archives and pull out something to send in – as far back as 2018!
Perhaps your students performed out in the community at Christmas time and that would be a wonderful contrast to classroom performances.
Contact Deborah McIlrath with any questions.
December 1, 2020
Thursday evening during the GMEA Virtual In-Service Conference - January 28, 2021
Teachers are asked to upload or send a link to a performance of their students from this year or within the past 3 years.
A panel made up of 1-2 teachers from each district will complete a blind rating of the performances based on the following criteria:
*I - An exceptional performance in all areas.
I - A consistently outstanding performance in all areas.
II - A very good performance with only minor issues.
III - A performance demonstrating accomplishment but weak in several qualities.
IV - A performance containing numerous weaknesses within the performance.
V - A performance indicating a need for continued efforts in fundamentals.
Based on ratings, the panel will select 5-7 minutes of performance time from each District which will be edited into the Showcase
Any submissions that are not selected to be in the Showcase, and full performances of the edited submissions, may be highlighted on The GMEA website Elementary Division page at the director’s request.
We would like to highlight groups from every District.
If you are a District leader and cannot take on this task please invite someone to represent your district, and non-District leaders contact your Chair to express interest